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Four Hidden Signs of Vision Problems in Kids

School has Started…Watch for these signs…

Written by: Kierstan Boyd
Reviewed by: Jane C Edmond MD, Stephen N Lipsky MD
From the
Aug. 08, 2016
As summer winds down, families of school-aged children scramble to get backpacks, clothes and other supplies ready for the new school year. But one of the most important yet often overlooked necessities is healthy vision.

As children grow and change from year to year, so do their eyes and vision. School demands intense visual involvement, including reading, writing, computer and chalkboard/smartboard work. Even physical education and sports require strong vision. If their eyes aren’t up to the task, a child may feel tired, have trouble concentrating, and have problems in school.

Sometimes parents can tell if their child has a vision problem. For instance, their child may squint, hold reading material very close to their face, or complain about things appearing blurry. However, there are some less obvious signs of vision problems.

Click on this link for the four signs 4 Hidden Signs Article that could point to possible vision problems in kids.