Spring 2016 is just around the corner…
After speaking with many individuals this year in the Cleveland area, it feels to them like Spring has already arrived.
Not sure what you may be allergic too? Consider a simple test administered by your SkyVision doctor to find out. SkyVision doctors and experienced staff may be able to help pinpoint the cause of your symptoms by performing allergy testing here in the office. The testing provided tests for 60 different allergens and will help you and the doctors know how to treat your symptoms.
Diagnosing ocular allergies increases the patient standard-of-care by providing relevant information for a more effective treatment protocol. By objectively diagnosing and identifying the root cause of a patient’s ocular allergies by utilizing the Doctor’s Allergy Formula System, our doctors are able to identify the specific offending allergen(s) and create a customized treatment protocol to immediately address the patient’s underlying pathology.
10 Tips to Reduce Your Allergy Suffering
- Do a thorough spring cleaning. Windows, book shelves and air conditioning vents collect dust and mold throughout the winter that can provoke allergy symptoms.
- Minimize outdoor activity when pollen counts are high. Visit the National Allergy Bureau for pollen levels in your area.
- Take medications at least 30 minutes prior to outdoor activity. Consult with an allergist/immunologist to ensure medications are helping you and always report when reactions to medications occur.
- Shut windows in your house on days pollen counts are high. Avoid using windows or fans that may draw pollen inside.
- Wash bedding weekly in hot water.
- Dry laundry indoors. Sheets hanging on an outside line are an easy target for blowing pollen.
- Shower and wash your hair before bed. Pollen can collect on your hair and skin.
- Keep pets off of furniture and out of the bedroom. Pollen can cling to the dog or cat after being outside.
- Keep car windows closed during peak season. Use air conditioning and point vents away from face.
- When mowing lawn or doing gardening, wear a filter mask.
Symptoms for allergies are often similar to those for Dry Eye. If your symptoms such as itchy, watery, red eyes are year round and taking precautions to eliminate allergens do not seem to help, you may want to consider a medical eye evaluation for Dry Eye. There are many types of treatments for dry eye that can help to relieve symptoms and possibly treat the cause.